[NEohioPAL]To Kill a Mockingbird

hiseas2 at aol.com hiseas2 at aol.com
Mon Feb 19 07:41:19 PST 2007

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  I would just like to give kudos to yet another phenomenal theatrical presentation by the Elyria High School Drama department. Pam Christian does amazing things with these students. Even with the 4 'snow days' just previous to opening night, their performance was stellar. 
 It's also good to know that the administration at Elyria High supports the drama department. On one of the snow days, the cast was given permission to come to school in the afternoon and rehearse. They were also given permission to rehearse all day Friday during school. 
 Break a leg at the State Thespian Conference and the Thespian Festival, EHS!
 Bernadette Hisey
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<div> I would just like to give kudos to yet another phenomenal theatrical
presentation by the Elyria High School Drama department.  Pam Christian
does amazing things with these students.  Even with the 4 'snow days'
just previous to opening night, their performance was stellar.  <br>


It's also good to know that the administration at Elyria High supports
the drama department.  On one of the snow days, the cast was given
permission to come to school in the afternoon and rehearse.  They were
also given permission to rehearse all day Friday during school.  <br>


Break a leg at the State Thespian Conference and the Thespian Festival, EHS!<br>


Bernadette Hisey<br>





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