[NEohioPAL]Dream Analysis: Now ONLINE! http://films.thelot.com/films/21512 Check it out at the LOT!

brandi at acidentertainment.net brandi at acidentertainment.net
Fri Feb 23 15:30:12 PST 2007

<div>Hi everyone!</div>
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<div>I'm pleased to announce that my short film, Dream Analysis can now be viewed on the LOT's web site.   </div>
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<div>Click the following link and be taken directly to my film:  <A href="http://films.thelot.com/films/21512">http://films.thelot.com/films/21512</A></div>
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<div>Please if you can, take the time to rate and review the film!  I'm always very interested in viewer feedback.</div>
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<div>You do have to sign up as a member of the LOT to rate and review the film, however, they don't ask for a lot of personal info!</div>
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<div>For those of you not familiar with the LOT, read the following cut and pasted directly from their web site:</div>
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<div><EM>On the Lot is the groundbreaking new show brought to you by reality show mastermind, </EM><A href="http://www.thelot.com/about/mark-burnett/"><STRONG><FONT color=#660000><EM>Mark Burnett</EM></FONT></STRONG></A><EM>, and legendary producer and director, </EM><A href="http://www.thelot.com/about/steven-spielberg/"><STRONG><FONT color=#660000><EM>Steven Spielberg</EM></FONT></STRONG></A><EM>. Over the season, the 16 filmmakers will produce short films in every genre every week and the viewers will vote on who gets eliminated. The winning filmmaker will take home a $1 Million development deal!</EM></div>
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<div>Thanks for your support!<BR><BR>Brandi Lynn Borgia<BR>Director of Operations<BR>Acid Entertainment & Third Eye Screenwriting<BR>440-840-2900 (P)<BR>440-236-6150 (F)<BR><A href="http://www.acidentertainment.net/">www.acidentertainment.net</A><BR><A href="http://www.thirdeyewebdesign.com/">www.thirdeyewebdesign.com</A><BR><A href="http://www.thirdeyedomains.com/">www.thirdeyedomains.com</A></div>

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