ileifewriter at aim.com ileifewriter at aim.com
Sat Feb 24 10:23:57 PST 2007

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Greetings Fred & Neohipal members,
I have recently returned from Connecticut and N.Y.  For the most part, I am a writer, specializing in playwriting and short stories. I have been asked  about two of my plays by a New York director. These plays have appeared in the Frank Silvera Writers Workshop series as readings and the Director is interested in producing one or possibly both of them. They will  not start off on a very large stage in NY. The production will be moderately or low-budgeted to start. I know the Director knows what the royalty fees are but I want to know as well before I meet with her. 
Are royalties based upon percentages of monies secured at the door or should they always be one flat fee or are the fees subject to change based upon the number of times the play is presented?  Also does area have anything to do with how much I should charge? Say for instance, do I ask for more in royalties if these plays are requested of a New York theatre because of NY's cost of living?  
I have not put my theatrical works out for production for some time because I have been concentrating a lot in the past on my storytelling, CD and short stories but now I'm at a point where I can immerse myself back into the theater without compromising in other areas.  I understand that royalties are different for one acts than for two acts or full length plays. Does anyone know if there is a book or somewhere else I might get   current rate sheets so that I do not overcharge and even importantly more undercharge myself? (We artists definitely do not need to undercharge). Do I charge less for community theaters? Are there standard rates? I will be going back to the New York area very soon so I'll need to know something by then. I would appreciate any accurate information one can give.
Thanks all.
(Gail F. Young)
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<div><SPAN contentEditable=false style="DISPLAY: inline-block"></SPAN>Greetings Fred & Neohipal members,</div>

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<div>I have recently returned from Connecticut and N.Y.  For the most part, I am a writer, specializing in playwriting and short stories. I have been asked  about two of my plays by a New York director. These plays have appeared in the Frank Silvera Writers Workshop series as readings and the Director is interested in producing one or possibly both of them. They will  not start off on a very large stage in NY. The production will be moderately or low-budgeted to start. I know the Director knows what the royalty fees are but I want to know as well before I meet with her. </div>

<div> </div>

<div>Are royalties based upon percentages of monies secured at the door or should they always be one flat fee or are the fees subject to change based upon the number of times the play is presented?  Also does area have anything to do with how much I should charge? Say for instance, do I ask for more in royalties if these plays are requested of a New York theatre because of NY's cost of living?  </div>

<div> </div>

<div>I have not put my theatrical works out for production for some time because I have been concentrating a lot in the past on my storytelling, CD and short stories but now I'm at a point where I can immerse myself back into the theater without compromising in other areas.  I understand that royalties are different for one acts than for two acts or full length plays. Does anyone know if there is a book or somewhere else I might get   current rate sheets so that I do not overcharge and even importantly more undercharge myself? (We artists definitely do not need to undercharge). Do I charge less for community theaters? Are there standard rates? I will be going back to the New York area very soon so I'll need to know something by then. I would appreciate any accurate information one can give.</div>

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<div>Thanks all.</div>

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<div>(Gail F. Young)</div>

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