[NEohioPAL]Call for Submissions -- Outsider Art --

marcus at designerglass.com marcus at designerglass.com
Tue Mar 6 15:50:49 PST 2007

Call for Submissions -- Outsider Art --

Gallery 324
The Galleria at Erieview
1301 East Ninth Street
Cleveland, Ohio 44114

July 14 – 28, 2007
Opening reception Saturday July 14 6-8 pm

Please send 3-5 jpgs, one picture per piece of work, with a short artist’s bio, with “outsider art” in the subject line, to:

mbales at oh.verio.com
markk at deepcleveland.com

Deadline: March 31, 2007

We’re interested in submissions of

1. Folk Art - the arts that are taught from the crade within a living tradition. The artists in this category carry on traditions passed on to them in their community or family such as quilting styles, embroidery, painting styles (like on furniture or house murals).

2. Outsider Art - also called self-taught art. This is art produced by the individual who has not received any art training and has been more or less called into producing art by an inner need or compulsion. 

3. Psychiatric Art - This is the art that has been produced mostly at institutions or by art therapists or individual psychologists or psychiatrists notable for its authenticity and richness of expression. 

4. Art Brut - started by the Jean Dubuffet to both describe his art and to establish a label for much of the art which he collected and exhibited. It is characterized by a rawness and a primitive expressiveness.

If you think your work falls into one of these categories, please send 3-5 jpgs, one picture per piece of work, with a short artist’s bio, with “outsider art” in the subject line, to:

mbales at oh.verio.com
markk at deepcleveland.com

Deadline: March 31, 2007

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