[NEohioPAL]Help from you

Mary Catalano botticelli1982 at hotmail.com
Fri Mar 16 15:06:18 PDT 2007

<html><div style='background-color:'><DIV class=RTE>
<DIV></DIV><FONT color=#000000></DIV>
<DIV>I was wondering if anyone could help me find a party center, community center hall, basicly some type of hall to hold a fund rasier in Cleveland  or the surounding areas. Something simple that holds 350 to 500 people. I am also looking for a DJ donate their time for the this Party. Please let me know if anyone has any information for me.  </DIV>
<DIV>You can reach me at <A href="mailto:botticelli1982 at hotmail.com">botticelli1982 at hotmail.com</A> or at <A href="mailto:ospproductions at yahoo.com">ospproductions at yahoo.com</A> </DIV>
<DIV>Thank you.</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>Mary</DIV></FONT></div><br clear=all><hr> <a href="http://g.msn.com/8HMAENUS/2749??PS=47575" target="_top">Interest Rates near 39yr lows! $430,000 Mortgage for $1,399/mo - Calculate new payment</a> </html>

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