[NEohioPAL]Accompaniement for Flagmaker 1776

Melissa Day mday1107 at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 25 07:06:03 PDT 2007

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I have looked high and low and even though this number is published in the Songs for a New World book, I can not find a recording of the accompaniment anywhere in order to sing it.  Unfortunatly I don't play piano and I don't know many who do. 
  Does anyone have a recording of the karaoke version or would be willing to record it for me on a CD?  I really would like to perform it for memorial day and time is running out to decide what I will be doing.
  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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<div>I have looked high and low and even though this number is published in the Songs for a New World book, I can not find a recording of the accompaniment anywhere in order to sing it.  Unfortunatly I don't play piano and I don't know many who do. </div>  <div> </div>  <div>Does anyone have a recording of the karaoke version or would be willing to record it for me on a CD?  I really would like to perform it for memorial day and time is running out to decide what I will be doing.</div>  <div> </div>  <div>Any help would be greatly appreciated.</div>  <div> </div>  <div>Thanks!!!</div><p> 

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