[NEohioPAL]Dada Queen

Something Dada somethingdada at aztemail.com
Tue May 8 10:19:30 PDT 2007

As Queen Elizabeth toured the United States, it seemed like a pretty sweet gig being the Queen.  You get to jet around on your own personal plane, you get sweet seats to the Kentucky Derby, you have a huge boat named after you.  Basically, you'd think you had it made.  After thinking about it for a while (we have too much free time), Something Dada realized that there are definitely some downsides to being Queen.  Since we live to share knowledge, we thought we'd share with you the 10 worst things about being the Queen:

	10 - You forget your sunglasses somewhere in Buckingham Palace, it's nearly impossible to find them.
	9 - Huge hats are hard on the neck.
	8 - People really, really care what you think of your in-laws.
	7 - Forms are a real pain to fill out without a last name.
	6 - You are never, ever, allowed to burp.
	5 - Repetitive motion injury from constant royal waving.
	4 - It's so hard to remember which keys go to which castle.
	3 - The whole dang world can see the spinach left in your teeth.
	2 - British teeth.
	1 - Chants of "Queenie, Queenie, what a weenie" still burn.

See, life as a non-Royal seems pretty easy now, doesn't it?  Plus, we're pretty sure the Queen doesn't even KNOW about Something Dada, so she'll be bored this weekend while YOU get to come down and laugh with us at the Tower Press Building, Friday at 8 and Saturday at 8 and 10:30.  Not too shabby, huh?

All New... All Different... Like Always.


Next show times (all ages welcome - all tickets just $10):

Friday, May 11th, 2007
8:00 PM

Saturday, May 12th, 2007
8:00 PM and 10:30 PM

The Wooltex Gallery
Tower Press Building
1900 Superior Avenue 
Cleveland, OH
Free Parking In Rear
Cash and Checks only, ATM on site

Something Dada
The Tower Press Building
1900 Superior Ave., Suite 120
Cleveland, OH 44114

216.696.HAHA (4242)

info at somethingdada.com


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