[NEohioPAL]Location Needed (Gas Station)

DazeByDaze at aol.com DazeByDaze at aol.com
Wed Jul 25 18:55:58 PDT 2007

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I'm seeking an independent gas-station owner willing to grant me  permission 
to shoot a short DV scene in his or her gas station. 

The  scene consists of the morning waiting-line (only three people) with the 
main  character waiting to buy a newspaper. The project is no-budget, but the 
owner  will receive $100.00 cash for the time spent shooting (1 to 2 hours,  
possibly less). We're seeking a Sunday morning before-open or weekday night  
after-close. The project is for festival submittal upon completion.  

Please forward this on if you know anyone who might be able to help.  Thanks. 

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<DIV>I'm seeking an independent gas-station owner willing to grant me=20
permission to shoot a short DV scene in his or her gas station. <BR><BR=
scene consists of the morning waiting-line (only three people) with the main=
character waiting to buy a newspaper. The project is no-budget, but the owne=
will receive $100.00 cash for the time spent shooting (1 to 2 hours,=20
possibly less). We're seeking a Sunday morning before-open or weekday night=20
after-close. The project is for festival submittal upon completion.=20
<BR><BR>Please forward this on if you know anyone who might be able to help.=
Thanks. </DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>Shane</DIV></DIV></FONT><BR><BR><BR><DIV><FONT style=3D"color: black; f=
ont: normal 10pt ARIAL, SAN-SERIF;"><HR style=3D"MARGIN-TOP: 10px">Get a sne=
ak peek of the all-new <A title=3D"http://discover.aol.com/memed/aolcom30tou=
r/?ncid=3DAOLAOF00020000000982" href=3D"http://discover.aol.com/memed/aolcom=
30tour/?ncid=3DAOLAOF00020000000982" target=3D"_blank">AOL.com</A>.</FONT></=


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