[NEohioPAL]Mike and Ike watch ALL of Spawn of the Petrolsexuals

Jeff Holland mikethelimeyandikethehick at yahoo.com
Sat Aug 11 23:14:48 PDT 2007


Mike: (English accent) Greetings and salutations. 
He’s not Mike.

Ike: (Southern accent) He ain’t Ike.  Okay,
thespiloids, we’re getting’ the important stuff outta
the way first.  Our Evil Dead-The Musical video should
be up by the end of next week.

M:  Right now, we have a quite funny incoherent mess. 
As soon as it becomes a coherent mess then we shall
post it.

I:  It’ll be worth the wait, and the confusion, trust

M:  So we went to see Spawn of the Petrolsexuals
Friday night, partly so we could finally see the
former Dairy Mart that is the Convergence-Continuum
theatre, but mostly so we can say we saw a show Berko
couldn’t sit through.

I:  We watched the whole thing, and our review is
still gonna be shorter than yours.

M:  Here’s the plot in a nutshell:  Everything sucks
and God used to play guitar for ZZ Top.

I:  We kept waitin’ ta get offended.  Hell, we kept
waitin’ ta get interested.

M:  And there is the biggest problem with this show. 
Contrary to what Gene Shalit light said, Spawn of the
Petrolsexuals is definitely trying to say something. 
Unfortunately, what it’s saying has been said numerous
times before.

I:  Religion, technology, Republicans, and brown
people are bad.  We get it!  We’ve pretty much known
that since the early 80’s.

M:  Director Clyde Simon and his talented cast do make
the best of what they have.  Everybody plays their
stereotypes to the hilt and I did feel like I was in
the middle of either Blade Runner or Tank Girl.

I:  And we totally give Simon props for doing an
original work.

M:  We just wish it had been more original.  

I:  Namaste.

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