[NEohioPAL]An Open Letter of Thanks

peteroctb peteroctb at aim.com
Thu Aug 16 11:11:26 PDT 2007

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 I've lost a few brain cells over the past ten days of filming our latest film, "Breath of Courage", so I may not be able to effectively and eloquently express the thanks, gratitude and love I have for each and every one of you who are my cast and crew---my friends.? But, I will try...

I thank you for your hard work, dedication and sacrifice.? Thank you for getting up early in the morning to join me on this insane adventure called independent filmmaking.? None of what we accomplished would have happen without you.? You make it possible for me to fulfill my childhood dream---to be a storyteller and to have motion pictures be the medium through which my stories are told.? I truly hope that by my passion to make films and by inviting you to join me on these great (insane) adventures, I am making it possible for you to fulfill your dreams as well.?? Together, we have made a wonderful film. 

To say, "job well done" is a sad understatement.? You are all extraordinarily talented individuals and wonderful people; it is my honor to have had this opportunity to work with you.

Thank you to the "Breath of Courage" team:? Evonne Fields-Gould, Elizabeth Gould, Abi Pink, Joy Borland, Quata Tucker, Katrina Melanie Walker, Scott Pyle, Brian Richeson, Sapphire DeFranco, Cheryl Eitman, Bruce Jennings, John Lynch, Ethan Rosenfeld, Sara Pink, Shanteal Davis, Drew Wheeler, Jamal Dillman-Hasso, Richard Krehnovi, Mary Schordock, Barbara Walker, Anna Pyle, Darla Wheeler, Bill Gruber, Tommy Bruno, and all of the other parents, grandparents and friends who helped make this film possible.? 

Peter Fields



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<div> I've lost a few brain cells over the past ten days of filming our latest film, "Breath of Courage", so I may not be able to effectively and eloquently express the thanks, gratitude and love I have for each and every one of you who are my cast and crew---my friends.  But, I will try...<br>


I thank you for your hard work, dedication and sacrifice.  Thank you for getting up early in the morning to join me on this insane adventure called independent filmmaking.  None of what we accomplished would have happen without you.  You make it possible for me to fulfill my childhood dream---to be a storyteller and to have motion pictures be the medium through which my stories are told.  I truly hope that by my passion to make films and by inviting you to join me on these great (insane) adventures, I am making it possible for you to fulfill your dreams as well.   Together, we have made a wonderful film. <br>


To say, "job well done" is a sad understatement.  You are all extraordinarily talented individuals and wonderful people; it is my honor to have had this opportunity to work with you.<br>


Thank you to the "Breath of Courage" team:  Evonne Fields-Gould, Elizabeth Gould, Abi Pink, Joy Borland, Quata Tucker, Katrina Melanie Walker, Scott Pyle, Brian Richeson, Sapphire DeFranco, Cheryl Eitman, Bruce Jennings, John Lynch, Ethan Rosenfeld, Sara Pink, Shanteal Davis, Drew Wheeler, Jamal Dillman-Hasso, Richard Krehnovi, Mary Schordock, Barbara Walker, Anna Pyle, Darla Wheeler, Bill Gruber, Tommy Bruno, and all of the other parents, grandparents and friends who helped make this film possible.  <br>
Peter Fields<br>


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"Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself." <br>

--Harvey Fierstein<br>


visit the world of<br>

Little Beth Entertainment<br>


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