[NEohioPAL]New Get Hep Swing 5-week Sessions

Jennifer Hargitai jennifer_hargitai at yahoo.com
Sat Sep 8 10:02:21 PDT 2007

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Get Hep Swing New 5 week sessions for Fall!=0A=0ABalboa and Bal Swing class=
es start September 17th=0A=0A7pm-8pm Balboa/Bal-Swing Level One=0A Learn th=
e basics (or tidy them up) of Balboa and Bal-Swing. =0AA super swell dance =
that started in So-Cal. Enjoy a close connection with your partner, some fa=
ncy footwork, and then a comfy boingy feeling will soon follow....This danc=
e feels good! Learning Balboa also really helps develop great connection sk=
ills no matter what dance you would like to currently or eventually work on=
 getting better at. Balboa and Bal-Swing are like vitamins for your partner=
 dancing! =0A=0A=0A8pm-9pm Balboa/Bal-Swing Level Two =0AAssuming you can l=
ook a Bal basic in the eye and not be afraid, =0Ahave a few pure Bal moves =
in your vocabulary than you can whip out (or follow as they are whipped out=
) & can sort of comfortably get your partner away (or be gotten away) .....=
well then, you are ready for this =0A=0AYou will learn more pure Balboa mov=
es and how to make them feel better AND some simple footwork variations AND=
 a variety of ways to transition from Balboa to Bal-Swing AND a few truly s=
chmancy things to do once you arrive in Bal-Swingland...What a happy place!=
 Kind of like Candyland, but less fattening...and you won't feel like you n=
eed a nap afterwards! =0A=0A9pm-10pm Balboa/Bal-Swing Level THREE! Ohh! Ahh=
h! Scarey?! NO! Wellll, maybe a teensey bit. Ummmm, where should I begin?? =
We want to be able to show you some of the latest stuff that is being worke=
d on/thought about/played with in the nation and the world. Timing trickera=
tions, footwork syncopations and variations, trying on different ways to ac=
complish the same move with different feelings and/or emphasis. =0A=0ALindy=
 Hop classes start September 19th=0A=0AIntroduction to Lindy Hop: =0AThis c=
lass is for anyone new to this 8-count swing dance popular around the count=
ry. Come learn the fundamentals of leading and following and a series of mo=
ves so you can social dance with absolutely anyone. =0A=0ALindy Hop Level I=
I: =0AYou've already completed Lindy I, you've been dancing Lindy for appro=
ximately 6 months, and you have a solid swing out. Come perfect your basics=
 and learn cool new moves (slips, slides, footwork variations!) that are ea=
sily led out socially and will take your dancing to the next level. =0A=0AE=
ach class is only $50 per person or $80 if signed up as a couple. =0AThe cl=
asses will be held at the Get Hep Studio on Hamilton and you MUST be signed=
 up and pre-paid AT LEAST THREE DAYS IN ADVANCE. =0A=0AAny questions? email=
 info at GetHepSwing.com or phone me at 216-374-1927. =0A=0A.
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<html><head><style type=3D"text/css"><!-- DIV {margin:0px;} --></style></he=
ad><body><div style=3D"font-family:arial, helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:1=
2pt"><DIV><FONT size=3D2><SPAN style=3D"FONT-WEIGHT: bold">Get Hep Swing Ne=
w 5 week sessions for Fall!</SPAN></FONT></DIV>=0A<DIV><FONT size=3D2><SPAN=
 style=3D"FONT-WEIGHT: bold"></SPAN></FONT> </DIV>=0A<DIV><FONT size=
=3D2><SPAN style=3D"FONT-WEIGHT: bold">Balboa and Bal Swing classes st=
art September 17th</SPAN></FONT></DIV>=0A<DIV><FONT size=3D2><SPAN style=3D=
"FONT-WEIGHT: bold"></SPAN></FONT> </DIV>=0A<DIV><SPAN style=3D"FONT-W=
EIGHT: bold"><FONT size=3D2><SPAN style=3D"FONT-WEIGHT: bold">7pm-8pm Balbo=
a/Bal-Swing Level One</SPAN></FONT></SPAN></DIV>=0A<DIV><SPAN style=3D"FONT=
-WEIGHT: bold"><FONT size=3D2><SPAN style=3D"FONT-WEIGHT: bold"></SPAN>&nbs=
p;Learn the basics (or tidy them up) of Balboa and Bal-Swing. <BR>A super s=
well dance that started in So-Cal. Enjoy a close connection with your partn=
er, some fancy footwork, and then a comfy boingy feeling will soon follow..=
..This dance feels good! Learning Balboa also really helps develop great co=
nnection skills no matter what dance you would like to currently or eventua=
lly work on getting better at. Balboa and Bal-Swing are like vitamins for y=
our partner dancing! <BR><BR><BR><SPAN style=3D"FONT-WEIGHT: bold">8pm-9pm =
Balboa/Bal-Swing Level Two</SPAN> <BR>Assuming you can look a Bal basic in =
the eye and not be afraid, <BR>have a few pure Bal moves in your vocabulary=
 than you can whip out (or follow as they are whipped out) & can sort o=
f comfortably get your partner away (or be gotten away) .....well then, you=
 are ready for this <BR><BR>You will learn more pure
 Balboa moves and how to make them feel better AND some simple footwork var=
iations AND a variety of ways to transition from Balboa to Bal-Swing AND a =
few truly schmancy things to do once you arrive in Bal-Swingland...What a h=
appy place! Kind of like Candyland, but less fattening...and you won't feel=
 like you need a nap afterwards! <BR><BR><SPAN style=3D"FONT-WEIGHT: bold">=
9pm-10pm Balboa/Bal-Swing Level THREE! </SPAN>Ohh! Ahhh! Scarey?! NO! Welll=
l, maybe a teensey bit. Ummmm, where should I begin?? We want to be able to=
 show you some of the latest stuff that is being worked on/thought about/pl=
ayed with in the nation and the world. Timing trickerations, footwork synco=
pations and variations, trying on different ways to accomplish the same mov=
e with different feelings and/or emphasis. <BR><BR></FONT></SPAN><FONT size=
=3D2><SPAN style=3D"FONT-WEIGHT: bold">Lindy Hop classes start September 19=
th</SPAN></FONT></DIV>=0A<DIV><FONT size=3D2><SPAN style=3D"FONT-WEIGHT: bo=
ld"></SPAN></FONT> </DIV>=0A<DIV><FONT size=3D2><SPAN style=3D"FONT-WE=
IGHT: bold">Introduction to Lindy Hop:</SPAN> <BR>This class is for anyone =
new to this 8-count swing dance popular around the country. Come learn the =
fundamentals of leading and following and a series of moves so you can soci=
al dance with absolutely anyone. <BR><BR><SPAN style=3D"FONT-WEIGHT: bold">=
Lindy Hop Level II:</SPAN> <BR>You've already completed Lindy I, you've bee=
n dancing Lindy for approximately 6 months, and you have a solid swing out.=
 Come perfect your basics and learn cool new moves (slips, slides, footwork=
 variations!) that are easily led out socially and will take your dancing t=
o the next level. <BR><BR><STRONG>Each class is only $50 per person or $80 =
if signed up as a couple. <BR>The classes will be held at the Get Hep Studi=
o on Hamilton and you MUST be signed up and pre-paid AT LEAST THREE DAYS IN=
 ADVANCE. <BR><BR>Any questions? email </STRONG><A href=3D"mailto:info at GetH=
epSwing.com"><FONT color=3D#0000aa
 size=3D2><STRONG>info at GetHepSwing.com</STRONG></FONT></A><FONT size=3D2><S=
TRONG> or phone me at 216-374-1927. </STRONG><BR><BR></FONT>.</FONT><BR></D=

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