[NEohioPAL]Call Out For Music

lajohnson6203 at aim.com lajohnson6203 at aim.com
Thu Sep 13 11:13:05 PDT 2007

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Looking for Music for the feature length film "Controlled"

Specifically looking for:
love song (two people have been reunited after years apart)
soft and sad (scene at a cemetery, saying goodbye to someone special)
song about someone at a crossroad...needing support and leaving behind a difficult past
still looking around for music in general for a suspense thriller

Please send all responses to: 
LeeAnn Johnson, RedLa Productions
lajohnson6203 at aim.com

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<FONT size=3><STRONG>Looking for Music for the feature length film "Controlled"<br>
Specifically looking for:<br>
love song (two people have been reunited after years apart)<br>
soft and sad (scene at a cemetery, saying goodbye to someone special)<br>
song about someone at a crossroad...needing support and leaving behind a difficult past<br>
still looking around for music in general for a suspense thriller<br>
Please send all responses to: <br>
LeeAnn Johnson, RedLa Productions<br>
lajohnson6203 at aim.com<br>
</FONT><div class="AOLPromoFooter">
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