[NEohioPAL] New Acting Class, Series Development, Create and Perform On-Camera!

Maureen Dempsey fromstage2screen at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 17 11:34:05 PST 2008

In this class Actors will create their own series and put it on-camera!  
  I will guide you as a team in creating characters and story, writing scenes and shooting them.  The benefits of this class are endless.  The more actors know about the art of storytelling the better they become at acting.  In addition, there are thousands of actors waiting at the audition door for their lucky break.  Why not be the one that creates their own opportunity?!
  New Class
  Development 1: Creating A Series (On Camera Acting Class)
  Fridays 7:30-10:30pm
  February 8 for 6 weeks
  Registration Required
  The Trend: 
  Webisodes are popping up all over the internet and it's not just on youtube, the Networks are cashing in as well.  NBC's Coastal Dreams and Oxygen's Campus Ladies are just two examples of network investments in internet series.
  These series mean new opportunities for actors and filmmakers.  It is now easier and more realistic than ever to create your own work.  These internet series are growing exponentially in popularity.  Episode  range from two minute comedies to full one hour dramas.  And it's not just the Networks who are getting involved.  These series are being produced independently and getting Sponsors!  That's right!  Sponsors!  And sponsors PAY!  Companies like Volvo are realizing that you are spending more and more time on the internet.  They are sponsoring web sites with internet series and they are paying for product placement.
  The quality of programming varies  at the moment but as the medium grows we will see an increase in the quality and content available.  This is a chance for actors to showcase what they do without waiting at the audition door!
  Create your own work!  How many times have you sat on a set thinking to yourself, "I can do better than this!"  Well there has NEVER been a better time.  Get on board.   Now I don't want to imply that it is easy.  It's not.  It is only easy if you don't care about how good it is.  It takes  work, but YOU can do it.  Especially if you know what the pros do to DEVELOP a show!
  The Class:
  This is the first in a series of  Classes that  will take you step by step through the Development Process.  How to create a series!   
  Please visit my web site for more information.
  If you are interested in the class email me for payment directions.
  Call or email with any questions.
  Maureen Dempsey

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