[NEohioPAL] August Wilson's "Fences" 2/3/08

Pat Blochowiak patrbl at attglobal.net
Sun Jan 27 08:46:14 PST 2008

Windermere Renaissance [www.WindermereRenaissance.org], a nonprofit 
community development corporation, is having a fundraiser at the East 
Cleveland Theater to raise money for a green rehab of an East Cleveland 
building to be used for an ElderSpirit cooperative senior living 
program.  [www.elderspirit.net]

We'll be showing August Wilson's "Fences."   
[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fences_%28play%29]  "Fences" is the story 
of a former star of the Negro Baseball League working as a garbage 
collector in 1957.

  It's a great play for a great cause, and I hope you'll be able to make 

I hope that you'll also forward the information to anyone you think 
might be interested in attending.

Hope to see you there!


August Wilson's "Fences"
Sunday, February 3, 2008
2:00 p.m. reception
3:00 p.m. show

East Cleveland Theater
14108 Euclid Avenue

$100 - VIP tickets
   $25 - General Admission
   $15 - Students/Seniors

For ticket information, contact;

Patricia Blochowiak, M.D.
Global Awareness Through the Arts (& Sciences)
1894 Farmington Road
East Cleveland, Ohio 44112-4744
(216) 229-9125

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