[NEohioPAL] auditions Sat May 3rd

roger priebe video316 at hotmail.com
Wed Apr 16 20:40:25 PDT 2008

hello all. 

we are having the first of many auditions for the film i'm working on called "free popcorn" 
popcorn is a series of non connected shorts to make a full length movie. kinda like Kentucky fried movie....

but a warning, if you are easily offended, this may not be the project for you. 
this is going to be an old school R rated film. 
like i said, this is a series of shorts. so we'll a lot of parts, so there is something for everyone. 

auditions will be held at: 
South Brooklyn Libary
4303 Pearl Rd
Cleveland Ohio 44109
it's on the corner of state road and pearl road. 

they will be held from 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM

sides will be provided at the time of auditions. 

and of corse, no pay, but you get copy and credit....and LOTS OF FUN!!!!!!

if you have any questions, feel free to email me 

Roger Priebe
Drako productions

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