[NEohioPAL] Special Discount Offer for Verb Ballets' FusionFest shows

Dan Kilbane angstcleveland at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 17 13:39:04 PDT 2008

  Join Verb Ballets, Cleveland's National Repertory Dance Company, in their return to the Cleveland Play House's FusionFest, Friday, April 25, and Saturday, April 26, 2008. Verb's eclectic evening of dance honors the unwavering courage of our nation's pioneers, survivors, and immigants. Celebrate new beginnings in artistic director Hernando Cortez's adaptation of The Yellow River; reflect on the aspirations of America's pioneers in the contemporary classic Appalachian Spring (featuring the choreography of modern dance master Martha Graham and award-winning music by Aaron Copland); and take pride in the strength of our nation in the multi-media piece Two Hours That Shook the World. 
  Exclusive deal: use code "RIVER" when purchasing tickets to receive a special $5 off the $20 or $25 prices . Go to www.clevelandplayhouse.com or call 216.795.7000. 
  Go Verb Ballets, April 25 - 26, 7:30 p.m., at FusionFest! 
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