[NEohioPAL] Don't forget your bottom end!

Brian Del Bianco ilbasso at hotmail.com
Fri May 30 14:24:16 PDT 2008

Remember that bass position that you've been meaning to fill for your summer production(s)?  Perhaps even something beyond that-it is never too early to start planning ahead for those shows in the fall either.  I know that you've been meaning to get those bass spots filled for in the pit, but things happen and tasks get pushed aside. That's ok, it happens to all of us.

I just wanted to remind you that you've been meaning to look into HIRING bass players and make contacting one just as simple as possible.  As luck would have it, one who is looking for work is just a mere click of the reply button away and waiting in the greater Akron area.  You can't really get much easier than that (unless of course you live with a bass player or are one yourself).  Upright, electric...if there are notes to be read, drop me a line.


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