[NEohioPAL] Film Production Incentive Bill Needs a Push

Mike Kraft narr8tor at gmail.com
Tue Aug 26 05:17:14 PDT 2008

Ohio is one of the few states without a film production tax incentive. As
such, we are losing potentially millions of dollars a year to our neighbor
states Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Michigan, all of which have generous

In this morning's (Tuesday, 8/26) Plain Dealer is a column about the fact
that we may lose the entire production of "Torso" starring Matt Damon since
we do not have an incentive in place.

The article implies the bill is stalled because some legislators say,
"Hollywood is only liberals and Democrats,so why would you want to bring
them into the state?"

Even if that statement is true, Hollywood liberals and Democrats DON'T VOTE
IN OHIO. However, their money is as green as Republican dollars, which would
pay for local carpenters, electricians, caterers, actors, stylists, grips,
gaffers, hotels, meals in restaurants, etc., etc.

We need to get behind the passage of House Bill 196 to compete effectively
for film production, or risk being completely ignored by the production
companies. Contact your State Representative today and ask why HB 196 sits
motionless, preventing production money from flowing into our State and
employing our production community.


Mike Kraft

President, Cleveland AFTRA Local
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