James Harris jharris at hlcommunications.com
Tue Aug 26 14:22:28 PDT 2008

Looking for gorgeous, talented twentysomething to early thirties soprano to
play one of the female lead roles in OF THEE I SING.  She is a femme Fatale,
Southern Belle and the illegitimate daughter of the illegitimate son of the
illegitimate nephew of Napoleon.
IF INTERESTED, CALL (440) 729-1426
About Of Thee I Sing :
Gates Mills Players has scheduled the satiric musical OF THEE I SING! by and
George S Kaufman and Morrie Ryskind (with music by George and Ira Gershwin)
for November 14, 15, 21 and 22 at the Gates Mills Community House on Chagrin
River Road in Gates Mills.
This witty satire won the Pulitzer Prize in 1931 and is a wonderfully silly
send-up of Presidential Politics.  Think of it as “The Marx Brothers meets
Gilbert & Sullivan”  since it owes quite a bit to Iolanthe and Trial By
Jury, and it definitely influenced Ducksoup.  You can find a plot synopsis,
etc in Wikipedia or by googling “Of Thee I Sing.” 
Many parts are still available.  The Gates Mills Players welcomes local
actors and actresses to audition, and particularly welcomes active thespians
from surrounding community theaters in Geauga County and Cleveland’s East
Side.  Rehearsals are scheduled for 3 times per week starting in early
To schedule an audition or to become a member of the Gates Mills Players,
please contact James Harris at 440.729.1426 or email
jharris at hlcommunications.com.  
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