[NEohioPAL] Cleveland IndieClub Sep 21's meet need your shorts

Johnny K. Wu johnny at mdifilm.com
Wed Aug 27 08:24:06 PDT 2008

Hey all, we are prepping for Sunday Sep 21's Cleveland IndieClub meeting, if
you have a short film, music video, trailer of features, experimental film,
what not, please let me know if you want to show your film.


The Cleveland IndieClub (www.clevelandindieclub.com
<http://www.clevelandindieclub.com/> ) is free of charge, for those who have
the passion for making movies using film or video (whether it is in acting,
directing, producing, writing, lighting or any other skill) and are looking
for others who have similar interests. Cleveland IndieClub is part of the
national network with over 30,000 members. 


So, consider to take a night out with us to mingle, network, socialize, eat
some great Chinese food (not mandatory) and share your expertise with other
local filmmakers as previously has proven that IndieClub does work (example
of collaboration works can be seen everywhere). In our past meetings, over
65 people had participated, no attitude, no drama, no ego allowed.



Johnny Wu


www.mdifilm.com <http://www.mdifilm.com/> 




Organization of Chinese Americans of Greater Cleveland




Cleveland IndieClub





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