[NEohioPAL] Auditon Notice!!! INCOGNEGRO

jimmie woody umoja4us at hotmail.com
Tue Nov 4 12:08:31 PST 2008

Audition Notice!!!!
The political rise of an invisible man 
Written by Lisa Langford 
Directed by Jimmie Woody
*A production for CPT’s Big Box February 13-15
Auditions will be held at Tri-C Metro’s Mainstage Theater 
Saturday, November 8 
Starting at 12:00-3:00p.m.
(Everyone must be there at 12:00)
Cuyahoga Community College
2900 Community College Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44115-3196 
"I serve as a blank screen on which people of vastly different political stripes project their own views." --Senator Barack Obama
Black identity in America is complex. As poet Paul Laurence Dunbar suggested, we wear a mask to hide our true selves. And in our struggle to live authentic lives, we often find ourselves invisible to others who thrust identities upon us. Never has this been more apparent than in Senator Barack Obama's 2008 presidential run. He was Messiah and Menace, Token and Terrorist, The One and The Other. The parallels between Obama's political rise and Ralph Ellison's classic 1953 novel about an unnamed African American's search for self, Invisible Man, are striking. InCogNegro is a satirical look at Black invisibility on the national stage.
Narrator: 20s or 30s, African American male. Personable, intelligent, earnest to a fault. A little Bigger Thomas in him, though. His disillusionment should be painful to watch. 
Councilman: 45, white male. Air of self-importance. Controls zoning and grants to the Negro College. Has good intentions and liberal tendencies, but neither the heart nor stomach for reality. 
Serena: 20s or 30s, African American female. Single mother of many children. Quick to tell a person off. Fiery temper. 
Prescott Hillman: 60, African American male. Dean of Negro College. Started out in the Civil Rights movement, but morphed into a race hustler in the 70s. Jesse Jackson-esque. Fighting to remain relevant in a post-modern world. (also plays Ceelo) 
Clifford Jenkins: 50s or 60s, African American male. Fast talker. High school drop-out. Has worked in the steel mills all his life.  Masks his low self-esteem with bravado and belligerence.  Katt Williams-esque. 
Fitz: 45, White male.  Leader of the Organization. Politician through and through. Slick as his slicked back hair. Has the smarmy air of a snake oil salesman. Everybody’s best friend until he’s through with them. Looks like Mitt Romney; thinks like Karl Rove. 
Emma: 50s, White female. The Organizationʼs benefactress. Old money, Boston blue blood. Knows how to party. Still beautiful. Would have been a leader herself had she been born in a different time. Think Pamela Harriman. 
Ceelo: 40s or 50s, African American male. Southern. Walks with a limp. Depressed, but not defeated. His motto: It is what it is. 
Harold Jackson, Jr.: 20s or 30s, African American male. Pristine. Handsome, intelligent, golden boy.  Family has been in politics since the Reconstruction. He is the Narrator’s mirror image. Searching for his identity, he followed his father into the Organization. 
Brother X: 40s, African American male. Anarchist. Inspired by Malcolmʼs life in the Nation. Black separatist. Distrusts America as much as Narrator believes in it. 
Total: 2 white male actors, 5 main Black actors, 1 Black actress, 1 white actress and 6 supporting Black actors and actresses.
For more info email faith312 at sbcglobal.net or umoja4us at hotmail.com
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