[NEohioPAL] Berko review: Lar Lubovitch Dance, Verb Ballets

Roy Berko royberko at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 5 06:24:37 PST 2008

Lar Lubovitch
Dance captivates, Verb Ballets needs to ask itself some questions
Roy Berko
Dance Critics Association)
County Times--Westlaker Times--Lakewood News Times--Olmsted-Fairview Times  
Within the last several weeks, Cleveland’s dance enthusiasts
were given several opportunities to see major dance companies.  Lar Lubovitch Dance is one of America’s
most highly acclaimed dance companies.  Verb Ballets is recognized as a leading local company.  They both danced at the Ohio Theatre a
week apart.
Lar Lubovitch, the founder of the company which bears his
name, is generally recognized as a staging super star.  He has choreographed more than 100 dances
for his New York based company, as well as directing Broadway shows.  His background as a painter carries
over into his choreography.  He
uses the bodies of the dancers to paint fascinating pictures.  He also directs the costume designers
and lighting technicians to enhance his visual images.  The overall effect is captivating.  
The program, sponsored by Tri-C Performing Arts and
DANCECleveland, was performed to a near sold-out house.  Their enthusiastic applause and verbal
responses attested to their delight with the evenings’ offerings which included
a mélange of ballet, modern, contemporary and ethnic dance.
“Allegro,” the opening segment of “Concerto  Six Twenty-Two,” was a composition of
flowing bodies costumed in white which incorporated lines and circles with a
gymnastic center and humorous inserts.   “Adagio,” which examined friendship, was totally
charismatic.  It featured the
powerful  lifts and intertwining of
the bodies of Jay Franke and George Smallwood.  “Rondo” had a wonderful “aw shucks” attitude.
“Jangle” was a brilliant interpretation of four Hungarian
dances complete with hand slaps, bottle dance-like movements and other ethnic
moves. There was a perfect parallel between the musical sounds and the
“Dvorák Serenade” was a balletic interpretation of the music
of Antonin Dvorák.  Consisting of
four segments, it captivated the audience with flowing movements and the
creation of attractive visual images.  Strong dancing by Mucuy Bolles and Scott Rink, a long-time company
member, made the piece captivating.
Capsule judgement:  Lar Lubovitch presented a wonderful evening of dance.  This is a world class company.  It can only be hoped that Tri-C and
DANCECleveland will bring back this exciting ensemble. 
As exciting as Lar Lubovitch was, that’s almost how
disappointing Verb Ballets has been in their recent concerts.  Verb has been one of my favorite local
companies.  In the past I’ve raved
about the creative direction of the company.  Unfortunately, in the last year  or so, I’ve seen a deterioration of energy and
creativity.  There are seemingly
multiple causes.  The loss of two
strong male dancers who were not replaced has led to the lack of a strong male
presence.  Company members seem
distracted, not displaying enthusiasm, not excited by what they are
dancing.  The corps has
traditionally danced in sync.  There was a precision to the movements.  This, too, has not been maintained.
“Verb Ballets All Stars!” was an interesting concept.  The combining of three Ohio dance
companies.  The results was a
pleasant, but not captivating evening of dance.
The opening piece, danced to Leonard Bernstein’s “Chichester
Psalms,” was staged by Hernando Cortez, Verb’s artistic director.  A strong solo by Brian Murphy, one of
the company’s strengths, was the highlight of the piece.  The flowing movements, accented by
flowing hands and tilted bodies, centered on the religious use of body
positions which created illusions of the cross.  
‘UNRESOLVED’ was a short piece by the Dayton Contemporary
Dance Company, which examined conflicted lovers.  The piece, which had a strong emotional center,  was well received by the audience.  
“RUBIES, originally choreographed by George Balanchine, was
performed by the Cincinnati Ballet.  It was a pleasant piece whose movements did not always parallel the
The final segment, “AFTERIMAGE,” was choreographed by Verb’s
Hernando Cortez.  It was an
investigation of being human and was performed by combination of Verbs Ballets
and the Dayton Contemporary Dance Company members.   The first segment, “Afterimage,” was adequately danced
by Sydney Ignacio, but lacked dynamism and precision.  Brian Murphy gave a strong and controlled performance in
“Dark Wood.”   Hershel Deandre
Horner III of the Dayton Company, was very effective in “A Moment More.”
Capsule judgement:  The idea of bringing three major Ohio dance companies together was an
excellent scheme.  It would be a
good idea to duplicate this effort in the future.  As for Verb Ballets...it appears that the company’s leadership
needs to ask itself how it can regain its past path, because lately the magic
is gone.
 Roy Berko's blog, which contains theatre and dance reviews from 2001 through 2008, as well as his consulting and publications information, can be found at http://royberko.info

His reviews can also be found on www.coolcleveland.com and NeOHIOpal (to subscribe visit http://mailman.listserve.com/listmanager/listinfo/neohiopal.)


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