KillingTimeLTD at aol.com KillingTimeLTD at aol.com
Fri Nov 21 11:48:17 PST 2008

Killing Time LTD. is seeking (1) actor and (1) actress for it's  upcoming 
year of interactive murder mystery performances (think Tony n'  Tina but with 
more bloodshed and a plot). Pay starts at $100 per show.  Rehearsals generally 
held on weekends and always in the Greater Cleveland  area.

We are looking for versatile, like minded team players who can take  
direction well. While the shows are book heavy, improvisational skills are  welcome as 
from time to time you'd be engaging with the audience. 
Comedy chops a plus. Stage experience a given.
The ideal candidate would be in their 30's and able to do a variety of  
character parts.
Please send current photo and resume along with letter of interest and a  
joke to _killingtimeltd at aol.com_ (mailto:killingtimeltd at aol.com)  for  

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