[NEohioPAL] WANTED: Stage area or hardwood floored studio for photography shoots

Victoria Greathouse victoriagreathouse at gmail.com
Mon Feb 23 10:34:28 PST 2009

I'm looking to find a theater or stage area in the Cleveland or Akron/Canton
area to use for photo shoots. I would need to area on multiple days (TBD)
and would need it for roughly 2-3 hours at a time. I would also be able to
use a studio space area that has hardwood floors, preferably with lots of
natural window lighting. I am willing to negotiate a price for rental or I
will give you free photography sessions in return for the use of the space.

Also, if you have an interesting indoor space for photography shoots, I'd
been interested in that also! Please send pictures of the spaces to
victoriagreathouse at gmail.com

Thank you!
victoriagreathouse at gmail.com
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