[NEohioPAL] ANOTHER Wizard of Oz?? In Aurora

hlewelle at bw.edu hlewelle at bw.edu
Tue Apr 14 13:39:16 PDT 2009

[I guess all these witches and wizards are popping up because it is the
70th anniversary of the movie.  At any rate--]

"The Wizard of Oz" is opening April 24 at the Aurora Community Theatre. 
(ACT is located in Aurora at the intersection of rtes. 43 and 306 "behind
the gazebo.")

It runs Friday and Saturday nights at 8 PM for 4 weekends with one Sunday
matinee on May 3 at 3 PM.  Reserved seats can be purchased ($15 for
adults, $10 for children) at the Box Office (330-562-1818) or directly
online at www.auroracommunitytheatre.com where you can see the seats

Directed by Matty Sayre
Vocal Music Director: Kathy Gelles-Baxter
Accompaniment & Instrumental Direction: Marge Adler
Conductor: Vera Rao
Choreographer: Laurel Hart

Dorothy: Suzanne Davis and Allison Lehr (alternating in the role)
Wicked Witch/Miss Gultch: Hester Lewellen
Scarecrow: Scott Solkowski
Lion: Brian Hegel
Tinman: Don Arbuckle
Wizard/Prof. Marvel: Frank Mularo
Auntie Em: Sarah Petite
Uncle Henry: John Marchese
Glinda: Stacy Krekus

Specifically the dates are April 24, 25 and May 1, 2, 8, 9, 15, and 16 at
8 PM and Sunday May 3 at 3 PM.  There is a gala wine and (extravagant)
hors-d'oeuvres after the opening night performance at no extra charge.

Enjoy, my pretty!

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