George Butiri gbutiri at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 12 09:04:02 PDT 2009

Acting Showcase's (workshop.actingshowcase.com) film making workshop has already realized some local actors' dreams when we had completed our first film entitled "Lives Divided". This is what happens when 5 people get together, develop some interesting characters, write a story, act and film. With the help of local director/producer George Butiri of Two Martinis (twomartinis.com), these 5 students and aspiring actors have created a short film from the ground up, and submitted it to 3 different festivals, and a chance to be on IMDB, AND a chance to get submitted to Indie Flix (indieflix.com).

Sign up today and become a star! Don't wait till the last minute, classes are filling up fast!

Check out the website for more details: (workshop.ActingShowcase.com)

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