[NEohioPAL] Reminder: Audition for short film

Lindsay Bonilla lindsaymonahan at hotmail.com
Thu Oct 22 07:13:04 PDT 2009

World of Difference,
Ltd. in partnership with Little Beth Entertainment will hold auditions for a short, 30 minute film, currently
entitled "Flight to India," that is scheduled to
shoot  on weekends in February or March of 2010.  The auditions
will take place on Saturday, November 14th from 11am to 2pm at the Salvation Army Akron Citadel located at 190 South Maple St., Akron, Ohio, 44302

are looking to cast the following roles:

age 12 to 13

 age 10 to 13

 age 8-10

age 8-11

 age 30s - 40s

are especially interested in child actors from different ethnic
backgrounds and  highly encourage them to attend.

and rehearsals will take place in the Akron area.

interested in auditioning, please email resume and headshot to lindsaymonahan at hotmail.com. 
For the audition, you may bring a short monologue of your own if you like. We will also have you read a portion from the script.

There is no
compensation for any of the roles, but it is an excellent opportunity
to practice your craft and gain further experience and exposure. 
The film will be submitted to film festivals world-wide as well as released on DVD and sold through Amazon.com.
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