[NEohioPAL] 2nd Annual Playwriting Competition at Solon Center for the Arts

Christine Madden centurydance at gmail.com
Fri Dec 11 06:08:03 PST 2009



* *

Solon Center for the Arts is excited to announce the 2nd Annual Playwriting
Competition in January, 2010.  Student applicants must be in 7th through 12
th grade and will have the opportunity to have their work reviewed and
potentially produced at SCA in the spring.

Interested young playwrights should submit an original work that is no more
than 10 pages in length.  They should also include their name, age, phone
number and email address.  Students may only submit one piece for
consideration.  Entries can be mailed to Christine A. Madden, Theater
Education Coordinator, Solon Center for the Arts, 6315 SOM Center Road,
Solon, Ohio 44139-2914, or emailed to cmadden at solonohio.com.  The deadline
to enter is Friday, January 22, 2010 at 5:00 pm.  No entries will be
accepted after this time.  There is no entry fee.

After all submissions are received, a qualified panel of judges will review
the plays.  Three winners will be announced on Friday, February 26,
2010.  These
plays will then be performed by the SCA Spotlight Youth Theater students,
grades 5 through 8 on Friday, May 28, 2010.

For more information about the playwriting competition or other classes in
music, theater, dance and art, call (440) 337-1400.
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