[NEohioPAL] Want to watch "Julio" in bed? On a train? In a car? On a plane?

Tom Loveman tom at lovemanmedia.com
Thu Feb 11 16:42:41 PST 2010

Get More Julio More Places! 

"Julio" now available on iTunes, Boxee & Roku

The pilot episode of Hot Lather Productions LLC's new Internet sitcom "Julio" is available for free download on iTunes and for watching on your TV using Boxee or Roku media players.

The complete pilot episode of "Julio" is now available for free download from Apple's iTunes store so you can play it on your video capable iPod, iPod Touch or iPhone.  iTunes Link: http://bit.ly/julio-itunes

Boxee (http://www.boxee.tv/) has been offering free home media software for computer enthusiast who want to get all the great content from the Internet on their home entertainment system.  They recently launched a media player called the Boxee Box to simplify getting connect.

The Roku Digital Video Player allows users to watch Netflix, Amazon Video on Demand and other services, including Internet content like "Julio" on your TV over the Internet.

For those of you wanting the web-experience of "Julio," it is in HD at http://www.juliositcom.com.

Did you like "Julio?"  Become a fan on Facebook and keep up-to-date on future episodes and news.  http://www.facebook.com/julio.sitcom

Thanks for supporting Cleveland's own Internet sitcom!

For sponsorship information, contact us at info at hotlatherproductions.com.
Hot Lather Productions LLC Website: http://www.hotlatherproductions.com

Hot Lather Productions LLC is a proud sponsor of NEOhioPal and their ongoing service to local artists, theaters, actors and filmmakers. 
Please help support this valuable service. http://www.fredsternfeld.com/neohiopal.htm#support
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