[NEohioPAL] Keyboard Player Wanted

CSS clevelandswingandsalsa at att.net
Fri Mar 19 12:38:39 PDT 2010

Abbey Rodeo is searching for

a new keyboard player!

If you have an interest, please call

Verne McClelland (440) 537-6725

Our dear friend and band mate, Debbie Daniels (aka Space), has had

the good fortune of managing her life so well that she has the ability to

retire toward the end of this year and will spend winters in Florida, returning

each spring when the snow is gone. So let's hear it for Space! We are

very happy for her and will miss her immensely in our band.

So, that leaves Abbey Rodeo without a keyboard player pretty soon and

that will not do. If you are reading the Voice, you might know what kind

of music we do, but if not-we do hits from the 60's & 70's like the Beatles,

Hollies, & Zombies and we also do some slightly newer material. We are

looking for a keyboard player with pro equipment and the commitment

to work hard and keep Abbey Rodeo at the level we have attained

thus far or to take us to new heights! If you were classically trained on

piano, but have never been in a band, talk to us, this could be your

first and greatest band experience.
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