ZeemannZ at aol.com ZeemannZ at aol.com
Wed Apr 14 11:56:08 PDT 2010

CHURCH  MUSIC DIRECTOR:  Liberation  United Church of Christ, 13714 Madison 
Ave., Lakewood, OH 44107.  Part-time  position (beginning at approximately 
6-7 hours per week, increasing as music  program grows).  Two-manual Rodgers 
 electronic organ and Baldwin Concert Grand piano.  Provide musical 
leadership and  accompaniment on Sunday mornings and other seasonal holidays and 
special  services.  One weekly Sunday service  at 10:30 a.m. with choir 
rehearsal at 9:00 a.m.  Familiarity and experience with  Protestant worship, choir 
direction, and various styles of music preferred.  Must have the ability to 
work with the  Pastor and choir in developing worship services with 
traditional and  contemporary styles of music that reflect the themes of the 
service.  Beginning salary: $7,000 - $8,000  annually, increasing as program grows 
and hours increase.  Please submit resume to Jim Ebbenga,  chair of Worship 
& Music, at church address above or via email at  office at liberationucc.org. 
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