[NEohioPAL] Free Theatre Program for High School Students!

Erin Riffle eriffle at clevelandplayhouse.com
Mon May 3 14:00:26 PDT 2010

KeyBank Play House College Applications Due! 

Apply by May 31st to be considered for this free program 

Cleveland Play House is now accepting applications for its totally free
theatre program for high school students. 

Have your students ever wanted to...

*	Work with top flight theatre professionals?
*	Observe and participate in the workings of a professional theatre?
*	Learn about the essentials of producing theatre for yourself and

Then KeyBank Play House College is for you!

Who is it for?
This program is aimed at high school students who are interested in theatre
in almost every shape or form, including singing, dancing, acting, being
behind the scenes and enjoying live theatre performance.

About the program:

*	It runs for the entire school year beginning in August and ending in
*	It meets once each month on a Saturday for a hands on master class
workshop. Workshops cover every area of theatre including: Marketing,
Directing, Acting, Playwriting, Scenic Design, Costume Design, and much
more. Workshops are taught by the Cleveland Play House staff.
*	Immediately following the workshop, students attend a Cleveland Play
House performance. Students see all the shows offered in the season. (Lunch
is provided)
*	Students get the opportunity to job shadow both backstage during a
live production as well as during a rehearsal for one of our shows.
*	Students can choose to help conduct pre-show discussions with the
Cleveland Play House Staff and cast members.

Students will gain:

*	An increased knowledge and love of theatre and be introduced to the
professional world of theatre.
*	A chance to observe and participate in the workings of the first
regional theatre and a leading professional theatre in the country.
*	A chance to learn the essentials of producing theatre for themselves
and for others.
*	An understanding of and passion for the arts and arts education.
*	Future opportunities to work and intern at the Cleveland Play House.
*	A chance to meet other high school students in theatre from all over
the greater Cleveland area.

Download the application here:

Apply by May 31st to be considered for the program.

Need more information? Contact Erin Riffle, Education Associate at
216-795-7000 ext. 149. 

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