[NEohioPAL] Fw: BTOTS 2010 Summer Camp Announcement

Donald Albainy dalbainy at yahoo.com
Sat Jun 26 06:14:36 PDT 2010

--- On Thu, 6/3/10, Donald Albainy <dalbainy at yahoo.com> wrote:

From: Donald Albainy <dalbainy at yahoo.com>
Subject: BTOTS 2010 Summer Camp Announcement
To: "ABJ" <kclawson at thebeaconjournal.com>, "Brecksville Gazette" <production1 at gazette-news.com>, "WestSide Leader" <editor at leaderpublications.com>, "Brecksville Magazine" <news at scriptype.com>, "NEOhioPAL" <neohiopal at listserve.com>, "PDFRiday" <friday at plaind.com>, "SunPapers" <sun at sunnews.com>
Cc: "BTOTS" <theater at btots.org>, "CAC" <info at cacgrants.org>
Date: Thursday, June 3, 2010, 11:28 PM

Brecksville Theater On The square announces its 2010 summer camp "A Summer of Broadway!" 
Classes for students from preschool through 12th grade will take place July 12th-23rd at the BTOTS Blossom Hill facility on Oakes Road in Brecksville.
Each student will take classes in music, dance, acting and theater skills. They will learn the basics of what it takes to be a performer, then showcase their skills during four performances, July23rd-25th at The Old town Hall Theater in Brecksville.
BTOTS is committed to providing an exceptional educational experience for each student, and has again assembled a faculty of trained professionals in theater, music and dance, bringing years of experience and knowledge to their classes.
Truly a unique program, BTOTS' summer camp is the ultimate "crash course" for all things theatrical!
For class times and registration information please visit the BTOTS website at www.btots.org or call (440)526-3443. Please note that the camp will again be limited to the first 100 students who enroll.
*BTOTS gratefully acknowledges the citizens of Cuyahoga County for their support through Cuyahoga Arts and Culture.

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