[NEohioPAL] Discount Dental To All NEOhioPAL Members

ROSSPLANET at aol.com ROSSPLANET at aol.com
Sun Jun 27 05:44:28 PDT 2010

Neil Ross, D.D.S.
S.O.M. Center Road
                                                          Suite  26
Mayfield Heights, OH  44124
_rossplanet at aol.com_ (mailto:rossplanet at aol.com) 
Dear NEOhioPAL  Members,
     I would  like to welcome you to my practice.  I know what a struggle 
it can be to be  an artist and I'd like to help with a discount plan.  
     Both my  children are artists.  One is studying animation and the 
other is studying  illustration.  Heck, I was a freelance photographer(and taxi 
driver) in NYC  back in 1978!  I graduated from Case Western School of 
Dentistry in 1984  and I have been in private practice for 25 years at this same 
location.  In  addition to general dentistry, I have pursued cosmetic 
dentistry, which is  why my practice is called, "Dental Enhancements."  I believe 
that your  teeth are a fashion accessory and that your smile is your calling 
      I practice in a holistic way where practical.  There are no  
silver-amalgam fillings placed in this practice and there haven't been  since I 
started in 1984.  Metal-free dentistry is available and old  silver-amalgams are 
always removed with a rubber dam in place so you won't  swallow any 
Mercury.  Cleanings are by the dentist!
     We are  open Monday through Thursday and Sundays by appointment only.
     Please  check out these fees and I hope you will call for an 
appointment :
    Procedure  Description Usual Fee  1 Discounted Fee (for NEOPAL Members) 
2 Member Savings  Routine 6 Month  Check-Up $150 $85 $65  In Depth Check-Up 
$150 $85 $65  Full Mouth X-Rays $114 $70 $44  Two Bitewing  X-Rays $55 $15 
$40  Nitrous Oxide $75 $35 $40  Adult Teeth Cleaning by  Dentist $150 $85 
$65  Child Teeth Cleaning by  Dentist    $150 $85 $65  Protective Sealant /  
Tooth $46 $27 $19  1 Surface White Filling for U  or L Front Tooth $150 $100 
$50  Single Crown - Porcelain on  High Noble Metal(Yellow Gold) $985 $850 
$135  Bleaching(In-Office/Upper and  Lower) $650 $350 $300  Core Build-Up With 
 Pins $275 $185 $90  Root Canal Treatment - Front  Tooth $650 $550 $100  
Root Canal Treatment -  Bicuspid $750 $650 $100  Root Canal Treatment -  Molar 
$900 $750 $150  Perio Scaling and Root Planing  (Per Quadrant) $217 $126 
$91  Full Upper  Denture(Premium) $1,800 $1,200 $600  Tooth Replacement Part 
of  Permanent Bridge per unit $985 $850 $135  Porcelain Veneers $650 $400 $250

So please call and help me celebrate 25 years in  practice.  Call to 
discuss payment plan options.  10% additional cash  discount.
Thank you, 
                    Dr. Neil Ross

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