[NEohioPAL] If We Want To Read Critiques, We'll Ask Your Opinions

Conspicuous Chick conspicuouschick at gmail.com
Fri Jun 25 14:06:51 PDT 2010

Actually you still have a choice. it's called the 'delete' button. I use it

On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 10:04 AM, Jim Jarrell <jarrellje at gmail.com> wrote:

> I absolutely CANNOT take it anymore...to everyone who feels compelled to
> fill our email inboxes with unsolicited theatre reviews...
> By what divine right do you suppose you are given the authority to pollute
> our inboxes with your unsolicited opinions?  Good or bad, if any of us on
> the NEohioPAL list wanted your opinions, we would ask for them or we would
> go pick up the magazine or newspaper the should be published in.
> Before I get accused of being defensive over someone's opinion, let me
> point out that I just recently moved back to Northeast Ohio after a 10-year
> absence and I have not yet appeared on a local stage again to be critiqued
> by anyone.  So, my words aren't mixed with the bitter taste of a
> director/performer scorned (nor am I one of the BFFs rushing to their
> defense). Ill-tempered though they may be, my words ARE mixed with shock and
> awe that people have the audacity to think they have the right to send
> hundreds of people (some they may not even know) their unsolicited opinions
> straight to their email inbox.  As if that weren't bad enough, the opinions
> are filled with errors and give the impression that they are written for no
> other reason than to embarrass anyone and everyone associated with the
> theatrical production in question.
> I'm all for "freedom of speech."  By all means, please, exercise your right
> to have your own opinion.  Everyone is entitled to have their opinion,
> whether I agree with them (or anyone else agrees with them) or not.  What I
> don't agree with is polluting my inbox with your opinions if I don't ask for
> them (especially if they're poorly written plagiarisms - as one recent
> diatribe was).  If you want to express your opinion, do it responsibly.
> Write something of quality that a newspaper or magazine would be compelled
> to publish...and if you cannot manage that, there are any number of a
> zillion free websites where you can start and write your own blog.  Even KJK
> has a blog, for goodness sake!  It can be done!!
> Then, once you have found a PROPER home for your unsolicited opinions, you
> should feel free to share with the listserv a LINK to your opinion so that
> we may have the CHOICE to visit it or ignore it.  But, please, if we don't
> ask for your opinion, don't force it upon us.  Especially not these
> embarrassing expressions that denigrate into online "flame" wars.  It's just
> not cute.
> Respectfully,
> Jim Jarrell
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