[NEohioPAL] Contemporary Worship and Praise Team Leader

Judith Higbee ajhigbee at roadrunner.com
Thu Jun 24 08:20:07 PDT 2010



Church of the Saviour, a 1,400 United Methodist congregation in Cleveland
Heights, OH is seeking a part-time worship and praise team leader with a
deep passion and servant's heart for worship ---- someone who is able to
connect the congregation with the spirit of God so as to change and
transform their lives.  Responsibilities include worship and praise
leadership of the Contemporary Service (Sundays 9:30 - 10:30 a.m.) including
selection of congregational and Praise Team music in consulation with the
pastors and Director of Music, weekly rehearsals with the Praise Team, and
meetings with the pastors and Worship Team to plan and develop worship
themes (typically 1.5 hour meetings every six-eight weeks.)  The salary is
based on a work-week of ten hours, Sunday mornings required.  For a complete
job description and an application, please contact Church of the Saviour at



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