[NEohioPAL] Russian Folk Music (musicians) needed for Feature Film

Cory Sheldon crpcory at mac.com
Mon Aug 16 13:37:43 PDT 2010

Russian Folk Music needed for a Feature Film. 
Preferably local artists to compliment an almost entirely NE Ohio produced film. 

Director Cory Sheldon has completed shooting and editing on his debut feature film and is looking for a Russian folk song to be used in a scene. The song will be used in all or nearly all of it's entirety. This can either be a previously recorded piece or something that will be recorded specifically for the film. If it is previously recored just make sure you own the rights to the music. 

As a point of reference for the desired feel, a duet plus accordion version of  Oy, Moroz, Moroz (oh extreme cold) is being used as a place holder (a link to the actual recording can be given upon request). Other 'traditional sounding' songs, however, would be considered. 

This film is aiming for a mid Autumn completion. 

If interested and or require more info, please contact:

Cory Sheldon
crpcory at mac.com
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