[NEohioPAL] Improv Workshop

Colleen Doyle cadoyle at gmail.com
Tue Aug 17 09:08:51 PDT 2010

August 25 · 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Visible Voice Books
1023 Kenilworth
Tremont, OH

"Sweat the Small Stuff" $20

The more weight we give to everything we say and do on stage, the less we
have to "work" to make an interesting scene/show. Trust yourself to make
discoveries rather than invent funny things to say by listening and reacting
harder than ever.

Colleen Doyle grew up in Cleveland, where she wrote greeting cards and
performed two revues with The Second City. Since then she has had the good
fortune to play with ImprovAcadia in Maine, The Second City aboard the
Norwegian Dawn, and the ensembles Chairs and Showpony at the Chicago Improv
Festival, Dublin Fringe Festival, DC Comedyfest, Del Close Marathon, Out of
Bounds Austin and Dirty South Improv Festival. Currently she performs with
Mountain Dawn, Dummy, Babymakers, and The Diplomat Motel. She is very happy
to coach 96D and teach at iO Chicago!

Please contact Colleen at cadoyle at gmail.com to reserve a spot.

"To be nobody but yourself--in a world which is doing its best, night and
day, to make you everybody else--means to fight the hardest battle which any
human being can fight; and never stop fighting."
-ee cummings
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