[NEohioPAL] AUDITIONS FOR 2 Musicals Pippi Longstocking –Return to the Island and Snow Queen

Natalie Rossi ohtalentcasting at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 19 20:17:45 PST 2010


                     I'm looking for new faces for 2 Musicals: 
 Pippi Longstocking –Return to the Island and Snow Queen. 
Kids who will be selected for Pippi Longstocking will be part of the Musical Snow Queen.  Both shows will premier on the same day
I am looking for personality, ability to act and sing . Please respond only if you can seriously commit. 
                           Auditions are open children  and teens ages 8-17.  
               Elementary, Middle and High school students are encouraged to apply. 
                          AUDITIONS for both shows: 
Musical Pippi Longstocking –Return to the Island 

Pippi-  Longstocking - 12 y old -a child of incredible strength 
Annika - Pippi's  best friend, age 10-12 
Tommy- Annika's brother age 8-10 
Megan- friend of Pippi ages 9-11 
Lisa-  friend of Pippi ages 10-12 
Parents of Annika and Tommy- ages 15-17 
2 Robbers- ages 14-17 
3 Teachers ages 14-17 
Captain- Pippi's Father, ages 16-17 
Musical Snow Queen 
Story Teller 
Kay- Brother, 11 y old 
Gerda- Sister, 12 y old 
Snow Queen- strong personality, 13-16y old 
Robber Maiden- tomboy, 10-12 y old 
Woman with a Comb-  13-16 y old 
Cat- must be able to portray a cat’s character and be able to walk and talk like that, ages 9-12 
Rain Deer- ages 13-15 
Roses- ages 9-12 
Princess- graceful. ages 10-13 
 Auditions:  December  1- December 20     
Callbacks: December 25th 
Rehearsals start:  January  14th ( Lyndhurst area)    
Performance: Apr/May 2011 ( date TBD) 
To schedule your audition, please contact: 216-702-6980 
Natalie A Rossi- Artistic Director/Producer 
OH  Young Stars Theatre Group 
ohtalentcasting at yahoo.com 

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