[NEohioPAL] In Search of New Investigations

lajohnson6203 at aim.com lajohnson6203 at aim.com
Fri Dec 3 11:40:19 PST 2010


Shadow Hunters of Ohio (S.H.O.) is in search of new investigations so if you or someone you know has a home or building to investigate visit our website at www.shadowhuntersofohio.com or e-mail us at  shadow.hunters.oh at gmail.com; we do not charge for our investigations and provide you with a copy of all evidence we acquire.
Our group was formed out of a passion for the paranormal and unexplained with a love for investigating.  S.H.O. members are professional and respectful with extensive knowledge and experience in the paranormal field; our trips include prisons, hospitals, commercial buildings and residential homes.  
Our mission is to explore the unknown in the hopes of finding answers; S.H.O. and Tell.

Shadow Hunters of Ohio (S.H.O.) is in search of new investigations so if you or someone you know has a home or building to investigate visit our website at www.shadowhuntersofohio.com or e-mail us at  shadow.hunters.oh at gmail.com; we do not charge for our investigations and provide you with a copy of all evidence we acquire.
Our group was formed out of a passion for the paranormal and unexplained with a love for investigating.  S.H.O. members are professional and respectful with extensive knowledge and experience in the paranormal field; our trips include prisons, hospitals, commercial buildings and residential homes.  
Our mission is to explore the unknown in the hopes of finding answers; S.H.O. and Tell.

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