[NEohioPAL] The Weekly Sojourns of Sean Pratt - 02/21/11

seanpratt at comcast.net seanpratt at comcast.net
Sun Feb 20 12:00:03 PST 2011

I've got THREE things to share with you this week:

1) A Big FYI and BTW!
I've received several emails asking about my connections to some of the products and services I've been mentioning. So...

If you've noticed, I often recommend something or someone in my newsletter, on my Facebook page, my YouTube Channel, Twitter feed or when I'm teaching a class. So I want to reiterate this important point.  I get no commision or kickback for recommending any of them! I want you to think of me as an "honest broker" and if I say to check something out, it's because I've tried it, went to the website or know the people involved.  I've come to the conclusion that this product or service is a good thing and that you should give it a look. 

The things I DO offer for you to invest in can be found on my website; all my eBooks, audiobooks, classes and coaching, etc.  I hope this clears everything up. - Sean

2) This week's article on the Biz: The Actor's Essence
The people who do the auditioning and hiring in our business evaluate and make casting call decisions based on their observations of what I call, your “essence” and how they think it would fit with a particular role they are casting. Therefore, it’s not only critical that you understand what your “essence” is, but learn how to manage each of the three elements in order to showcase them and control the “message” they send out. The agent’s or casting director’s reaction to your “essence” will have a direct impact on how they perceive your type and which roles you’re submitted and called in for.To read the rest of this article go to: http://seanprattpresents.com/?p=402 

3) This week's YouTube video: The Actor's Review Sheet
One of the realities of working in the theatre is after closing night, all that's left are your memories, the program, some press pictures and the reviews. It's great to be able to add the role of Hamlet or Ophelia to your resume, but don't you wish there was a way to parlay that into something more? Well you can because the way to do it is easy and the pieces are right in front of you. 
Watch it NOW - http://www.youtube.com/user/SeanAllenPratt#p/u/0/2966H5a8G_w

Sean Pratt, (AEA / SAG / AFTRA), has been a working actor for over 20 years. Sean was a member of the resident acting company at The Pearl Theatre, an Off-Broadway classical repertory theatre and has also performed at numerous regional theatres around the country.  Major films include - Gods and Generals, Tuck Everlasting and Iron Jawed Angels. Television work includes - The host of HGTV’s, Old Homes Restored, and supporting roles on Homicide, The District and America’s Most Wanted.  Audiobooks – He’s narrated for 15 years and has recorded nearly 550 books in just about every genre.  He also teaches classes on and writes articles about the business of the Biz.


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