[NEohioPAL] LAST CALL for voice talent needed ASAP. Email audio auditions. $40 paid. (Deadline Saturday 4/23.)

el audition elaudition at gmail.com
Thu Apr 21 09:29:08 PDT 2011


A fictional account of a disturbed, but bright graduating high school senior
who found a love of movie-making, which he pursued to escape the torments of
his fellow school classmates.  After receiving accolades and recognition for
his work, he was invited to give a 5-minute public speaking in front of a
vast audience to discuss his work from his own creative reality.


A male speaking voice that can pass as a high school senior.  Voice should
be sincere, poised, animated and effective for such a speaking occasion.

TO AUDITION:  (via email submission)

1.) in decent, clear quality, record yourself reading the audition script

2.) save the recording as a playable audio file (preferably .WAV or .MP3)

3.) email the audio file as an attachment to: elaudition at gmail.com.  (Make
sure to include your name and a contact phone number.)

All audios will be listened to, and the selected person will be contacted
via phone to make arrangements for meeting.


We will meet at a local place in Chagrin Falls (to be reserved.)  You will
be given a script of the speech, (which is about 3-5 minutes in duration.)
We'll rehearse and record you reading the speech using a Macbook Pro and
"Garage Band."  Multiple takes until satisfactory.  Should take less than 60
minutes to complete the final recording.  Names are not credited for this
project, but you will be compensated $40 for completing the recording.


Dear Parents, Teachers and Friends…

It is with great pleasure to stand before you today, in recognition of my
movie-making efforts, and for the opportunity to speak to you tonight.  It
has been quite an interesting journey, beginning five years ago, when Albany
school taught us how to be the best we could be in every way in everything
we do.  Included in our teacher's efforts was learning to develop individual
creativity, and most importantly, how to express it.  Without expressing,
creativity wouldn't mean anything to ourselves and probably unattractive to
others.  Their teaching efforts led to the first step, which is talent.  The
second step was finding what our strengths are, and applying our creativity
to it.  For me, my strength is movie making.
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