[NEohioPAL] "Kenston Improv Team goes to Global Finals" fund raiser

Julia Kolibab juliakol at yahoo.com
Fri May 20 08:42:41 PDT 2011

Dinner this Sunday, May 22nd, at Blazin' Bills!
The Kenston HIgh School Destination Imagination Improv Team has made it to 
Global Finals! Destination Imagination is a creative problem solving competition 
challenge which requires research, quick thinking, building skills, and thinking 
outside the box. It is an excellent venue for nurturing creative minds and 
confident spirits in young people.
The Kenston Team. which includes Brigitte Kolibab, Maggie Woodworth, Madeleine 
O'Brien, and Katherine Hoffman, and is coached by equity actor Julia Kolibab 
(hence this shameless use of Neohiopal to plug our fund raiser) chose to compete 
in the improv challenge. 

They placed at the regional competition, took first place at the state 
competition, and now this Tuesday are headed to the Global Finals in Knoxville 
Tennessee. Teams from all over the world will be competing. Last year they went 
to Globals and in their challenge they came in 4th out of 59 teams! Beat only by 
Singapore and two teams from Texas! 

Going to Globals is an expensive venture and it costs about $5000 to send the 
team. The team has been car washing, garage saling, chocolate selling for the 
past few weeks. We will be having our final fund raiser this Sunday at Blazing 
Bills in Burton, OH. If you enjoy award winning ribs (and other delicious meals 
- there are 5 dinner choices, including a vegetarian choice) please stop by and 
attend our dinner at 1:00 to 4:00 this sunday, May 22nd. The dinner is 30.00 for 
adults, 15.00 for 18 and under. There will also be door prizes and some 


Sun. May 22 from 1 to 4 pm.!!
Thanks, eveyone!
Julia KolibabTo see more information about our DI team and our fund raiser you 
can go to kenstondi.ohdi15.org. Blazin' Bills is located at 12891 Main Market 
Rd. Rte 422, Troy Township 
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