[NEohioPAL] Please - NO graphics or attachments on NEOHIOPAL! Please take a few minutes to read these faqs ...

Fred Sternfeld fredsternfeld at neohiopal.org
Wed Jun 22 06:05:06 PDT 2011

*Hi Everybody!*
*I hope you are all having a great beginning to your summer!

This email is a clarification about the policy on attachments and
graphics. Attachments
and graphics are not permitted in NEohioPAL postings.   *

*All postings are reviewed. The ones that have attachments and
graphics (embedded pictures or
even animated smiley faces) are rejected. When they are rejected, the
poster is referred to the neohiopal faqs
<http://www.fredsternfeld.com/faqs.htm> so they can review complete
posting instructions and then resubmit with
corrections. I have been able to screen out over 95% of the postings
with graphics.   *

*The reason some postings are approved with graphics is by accident.
The system only shows
me a 'request for posting' in html form and only a partial section of
the body of the e-mail.
Sometimes I simply can't tell there are attachments or graphics. An
unfortunate flaw in the system, but I'll continue to do my best to
make posters stick to the policy.*

* *


Fred Sternfeld
Neohiopal Ltd. Owner and Administrator

fredsternfeld at neohiopal.org
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