[NEohioPAL] **Thought for the Day**

Edward Niam edniam at windstream.net
Tue Oct 25 05:55:32 PDT 2011

I'm thankful for a pair of shoes that feel really good on my feet; I like my

I'm thankful for the birds; I feel like they're singing just for me when I
get up in the morning... Saying, 'Good morning, John. You made it, John.'

I'm thankful for the sea breeze that feels so good right now, and the scent
of jasmine when the sun starts going down.

I'm thankful...

~Johnny Cash

American Country Western Singer

Tai Chi Institute USA
~The Movement of Life~TM
Sifu Edward Niam
Master-TCM, SKF
8440 Washington Street
Suite 106
Chagrin Falls, Ohio 44023
330.564.7558  Fax-440.543.8727
edwardniam at gmail.com
"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take,
 but by the moments that take our breath away."

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