[NEohioPAL] "Murder On Krill Island"-new release

John Ballantyne jandbproductionarts at yahoo.com
Tue Dec 6 09:50:25 PST 2011

                                      Canfield Playwright
                                         Script Available

     “Murder On Krill Island,” written by Canfield playwright and actor, Richard B. Kepley, has been released through J&B Production Arts Services for general production across the United States.  The show premiered this past August at the Youngstown Playhouse and was a huge success selling out each performance.

     Based on a short story that Kepley had penned a few years ago, “Krill Island” has a decided Agatha Christie flavor to it.  A group of people are called to Krill Island to claim their inheritances from their benefactor, Dexter Krill, who has recently passed away.  Cold weather and snow make the only transport to the island, a boat, a very unnerving adventure.  Once arriving at Krill’s estate the ensuing storm cuts them off from the mainland and forces them to spend an unsettling night at the estate without electricity.  But, of course, that is not all that takes place.  In true Agatha Christie style, someone is murdered and all in the house become immediate suspects.

     The original production starred Jack Hay as Private Detective, Felix Tripp.  Tripp has figured prominently in several Kepley stories as the locally based detective who solves some rather baffling cases.  Others in the original production were Tom Jones, Paul Dennis Dillon, Bill Nibert, Holly Ceci, Linda Spencer, Ryan Newell, Joshua Fleming, Bob Wilson, Bill Shorr, and Barbara Malizia.  The production was directed by J.E.Ballantyne, Jr.

     For more information concerning “Murder On Krill Island” and its availability contact J&B Production Arts Services at 330-799-6176, 330-402-9273 or by email at jandb productionarts at juno.com, jandbproductionarts at yahoo.com or jandbproductionarts at mail.com.  You can also visit their website at www.jandbproductionarts.com.
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