[NEohioPAL] Take Time for Take Nine

Jean Seitter Cummins jseitter at earthlink.net
Sun Mar 18 20:44:13 PDT 2012

Take Nine brings their very special blend of poetry and performance to
Judson Manor on Monday, April 2 at 7:30 p.m. as part of the FIRST MONDAYS
reading series.  The program features Gail Bellamy, Kathleen Cerveny, Katie
Daley, Rita Grabowski, Meredith Holmes, Bonnie Jacobson, Darlene Montonaro,
Linda Goodman Robiner, and Cindy Washabaugh, who are -- in their own
words -- "a group of nine Cleveland area poets who read, eat and write

Take Nine includes two former Cleveland Heights Poet Laureates, winners of
Individual Artist Fellowships from the Ohio Arts Council and the Community
Partnership for Arts and Culture (CPAC). They are editors of literary
journals and anothologies, poetry workshop instructors, arts managers, and
winners of awards from Northern Ohio Live, the Ohio Educational Broadcasting
Corporation, and the Cleveland Press Club, among others.

Numbered amon the nine are a nominee for the coveted Pushcart Prize, a
performance poet, former radio and television producers, a Haiku Death Match
champion. and a poet featured on Garrison Keillor's A Prairie Home

Together their work has been published in more than 100 local and national
journals. anthologies, eJournals, and a soon to be released music and poetry
CD.  But above all, they are nine friends who laugh together on a regular
basis, and challenge and support each other in their shared love of the
written and spoken word.

Each a talented artist in her own right, the group generates a kind of
intimate energy that draws their audience into the inner circle.  Like a
good musical that send you home singing and dancing. Take Nine will make you
feel like a poet!
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