[NEohioPAL] A Site for Sore Thighs

Terry J Smith smith at tennisamigo.com
Fri May 18 12:25:59 PDT 2012

Tired of sitting at home on the couch?
Them move into action by using Actingbuff.com

Actingbuff.com is a site that shows events in a calendar format for:

 - auditions for film, stage, special events
 - showtimes for northeast ohio community theaters and indie film screenings
 - improv, karaoke, and standup comedy events

The site's average hit count is up to 135/day, up 120% from six months ago.

Thanks to Fred Sternfeld for providing the NEOHIOPAL list, from which most of
the calendar entries are drawn.  I am an annual financial contributor to
NEOHIOPAL (as actingbuff.com).

I maintain the site primarily as a convenience for myself, to know when and
where auditions, shows, and films are that I'm interested in, and as somewhat
of a blog.  In return, I've been able to be in a few plays, movies, improv,
and even tried standup twice.  And I do it for the MONEY, but that part needs
development since nothing comes in directly from the site, except for a few
cents per month from Google Ads!  A special thank you, however, to theater
reps who provide me with comp tickets, some of you for each show you produce,
some of you on occasion, and others on a buy-one-get-one basis.

Other than tickets, here is a sampling of how theater folks, special event
organizers, and actors express their appreciation:

Thank you!
gracias senor
Thanks again!
Thanks, Terry!
Thanks so much.
Thank you Terry!
....many thanks!
Great, thanks Terry!
Thank you so much! :)
What a great site.....
Thank you so much Terry!
Thank you for the listing.
Thanks Terry! That's awesome!
Hey Terry, Thank you so much!
...which is awesome!  Thank you!
Thank you! I appreciate the help!
Thanks Terry, very much appreciated
Thank so much! We really appreciate it.
Thanks for this, Terry. What a wonderful resource!
Thanks you so much for posting this . I will check out the site.
I'll check out the website, bookmark it and will keep you posted!
Thank you very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was awesome of you to post! Thank you
so much Terry.  Will log on to the site right now! Blessings. Thank you for
this information.  I look forward to investigating the site. Thank you so
much! I spent the 30 mins on your site, very impressive. I love it. Thank you!
Your website looks great - thank you for helping to spread news about the arts
in the region.
This is the first I have heard of this site. Sounds like a great idea! Looking
forward to exploring it more. Thanks!
Why...THANK YOU!!!!!  I really appreciate this!  We're a new theater group in
its infancy and are just branching out into our community.

You are welcome to register on the site and post things directly. 
Instructions are in the column titled 'Key to ActingBuff'.  It looks more
difficult than it is, and I can help you with any of it if you contact me.

Terry Smith

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