[NEohioPAL] FREE ACTING CLASS with Director JW Myers

JW Myers rmkfilms at gmail.com
Fri Jun 22 11:50:34 PDT 2012

Sure, that got your attention.  Well, it's true.

Wednesday, July 11th.  4 - 6 p.m. for ages 10-15, 6 - 9 p.m. for Adults
(ages 16 - 150).  Independence.

For more info, or to RSVP, email route40classes at gmail.com (please don't hit
"reply" to this email)

Also, we have a few spots for Regular Sessions for the July Class, which
runs THURSDAY NIGHTS.  (that one's not free, though...)

Here's a promo video for the class, to give you an idea of what we're all
about -


Would LOVE to have you all come out to give it a test drive.  If you are
serious about film acting, and you want to learn in a fun and supportive
environment from a working professional, then you should come and take a
FREE TEST DRIVE.  No strings attached.

If you like it, and we have a spot open, you can start class the next night.

I look forward to meeting you all.  I am consistently amazed by the level
of talent in NE Ohio.  I LOVE teaching this class every week.

 - JW (route40classes at gmail.com)
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