[NEohioPAL] Breakaway Vases?

Ja.peace7 ja.peace7 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 3 16:31:58 PDT 2012

Hello Fellow Neohiopal Members,

I'm getting ready to shoot a very low budget movie this summer and for one scene I would like to have a vase break near an actor. Obviously one made of sugar is ideal, but since I have never done this before I turn to you all.  Should I make it myself or purchase a few from a website? Are there any people who make such items locally? Does anyone have any tips, ideas or leads?

I have found a few how-to videos already but I want some personal stories from my fellow Ohioans :)

Thanks in advance!

-Jasmine Golphin

"All things come to her who goes after them"

Help support my film!

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